November saw another big feature deployed to our site. The revamped version of our buyer and seller chat feature. Now when enquiring about a viewing or having a general question about the property you communicate directly with the Seller. This also allows the seller to communicate directly back to the potential buyer.
No more waiting for the agent to come back into the office to listen to your question to ring the seller and ask the question. Only for the seller to be at work and not pick up and have to check their voice messages. Then ringing back into the office and waiting on the agent being available to listen to the answer and then attempt to get in contact with the buyer who at this point has probably found another property they are interested in.
This brings down the speed of communication considerably verses the traditional method its certainly a lot easier. So cut our the middleman and no more waiting for Steve to get back in the office, and no more “I’ve left a message on their voicemail”.
We don’t read the chats, but our system is monitoring for any abusive or inappropriate language and will immediately flag any improper chats to our team for review. We take the conduct of our users seriously and Moove is a safe space where threatening or inappropriate behaviour is not tolerated. Everyone can communicate without causing offense and we choose to believe in our moovers to respect each other.
If direct chat is not for you then you are more than welcome to use our team to communicate, but I can’t promise that we might not have to leave a message on someone’s voicemail!
Keep on Mooving!
Friday, 29th November 2024